06 юли 2011

Tree Mural for Elena's room

First before we painted the room i draw the tree on the wall and after that i copy the branches on paper and numbered all the branches :) .. 

And after we painted the room i put the lists of branches with some tape on the wall and after that i used some indigo below and started drawing the branches.. and i got the tree on my wall... 

Then i used black acrylic paint and started to paint on the outline of the tree...

So i got my tree drawn ! But we are not done yet.. then i used some old clothes and fabrics from which i cut the leaves for my tree ...

But i'm still not done yet, i need to glue them and paint some green leaves

This is almost the final looking ot the tree.. I'm about to go second hand black paint of the branches, i just think it will look better if they are thicker

4 коментара:

  1. твоя любима келешка, хахюли 07, 2011 11:55 пр.об.

    it`s cool!!!!!!!!! You can draw a few birds:} I just can`t understand what kind is it, maybe it is a magic tree, it makes your dreams come true, HAH Can i use it one night?

  2. Харесва ми! И ми дава кураж и аз да опитам някога - отдавна се заглеждам по апликациите с плат в чуждите блогове :) А какво лепило си ползвала? И платовете сигурно са памучни?

  3. :) Да, платовете са памучни, от стари дрешки (частично захабени).., а лепилото е Ц200 :)
